Guys from Salmon Junkies have super video! Great river Skeena! Great Steelheads! Jealous from me! But not, jealous from us! Text about this from: Salmon Junkies: “Holy smoke, those Skeena fish are really hot. Back home after a fantastic BC. Trip. Columbus Leth and I managed to land 30 big Steelies (Most fish was Sea liced). Two fish was 20 lbs and with a 22Lbs. for Columbus as the biggest. Beside the twenty pounders, we managed to land 21 Steelhead between 13 – 19 Lbs. Smallest fish was a couple of 13lbs chromes. Many of the fish stripped us for more than 200meters of backing in the first run, and most of the time we had to jump behind a hot Chromer 200 – 300m downstream before we managed to land the fish.” Thanks Guys!