One more episode from Redington – Movember. A couple of guys pursuing amazing autumn trouts. Cold water and falling snowflakes certainly did not stop them for having a good time. They use now fashionable…
Two fly fishers – Patrik Hansson and Erik Lundbaeck made a short movie in Northern Sweden. Film covers spring, summer and fall up here in Northern Sweden pearl – river Kiruna. Amazing…
Not such a long time ago we presented teaser from the SCANDINAVIAN UNITED FLYTYERS. Teaser of movie Passion Breaks Borders. And now it’s time for us to see the full movie! We…
Just have to see this, Guys! The Fly Shop suggests one of the most exotic and incredible fly fishing destinations in remote Bolivian jungles – Tsimane. If you are looking…
Ovansjö Kronoparks Flugfiske and Frenzy Flyfishing presents for us an incredible beauty! Hidden in the wildest forest there runs a creek of dark water. A home of wildest Incredible Trouts. A place…
Pescadora is a Spanish word that means fisherwoman. Pescadora Rebecca Courtney – a charming flygirl shares with us how her perfect day looks like. Early morning. The sun has just risen…
What an adventure! Epic journey that makes life worth living! Western Flow video from BOTE board is so cool! Adrenaline rush just watching it. It’s like a new age western, but instead…
Sometimes two different passions can have more in common than you might think. Fly fishing and snowboarding. Or rock music and fly fishing. They combine perfectly! Continuing our theme “One Passion” –…
Future Mountains – very very interesting and delicate movie from Makers Only that totally goes under category – “Must see”. Arctic Sweden – homeland of magnificent nature. Homeland of many wild species.…
Powerful message from Patagonia – an invitation to fight for our future. For the future of our children. For the future of our planet. The future of clean Earth – with…